Project Asta

By 2027, 100 million oysters

After two years of extensive research, lab and field testing, we’ve proven the efficiency of the Mother Reefs, the substrate that allows us to restore oyster reefs, at a large scale.

See below the details of our coming projects

Project Asta


Veerse Meer – Zeeland


Start 2024 – 2034


Minimum 4 million native oysters.

deployed by

Local fishermen

Project updates

The benefits of Project Asta

Filtering 1.6 billion liters of water per day – 640 olympic swimming pools


8 million Oysters and 375 million new swimming creatures weighing 500 tonnes from almost 500 species

10 new seasonal jobs for fishermen and coastal communities

Improving feeding habitat of more than 20 wading bird species including those of international importance

Managing 2.5 tonnes of nitrogen a year with an estimated 100-900 tonnes of carbon stored in shells, living biomass and additional nitrous oxide impact (not all verified pathways)

An introduction to Oyster Heaven

4 million Oyster Reef Solution

Organisation's Footprint

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You can now adopt a Mother Reef and help restore 100 oysters!

Adopt a Mother Reef!

Make a measurable difference for the ocean today.

You can now adopt a Mother Reef and help restore 100 oysters!

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